A beloved cat from the Isle of Man severely injured in a road traffic accident has made a full recovery after being flown to Kentdale for major surgery.
Two-year-old Indya needed major surgery to repair a shattered pelvis.
Her road to full recovery, aided by her owner’s granddaughters Scarlett and Thea Robertson who have been keen to help with the home physiotherapy plan devised by Veterinary Physiotherapist Emma Woof, appears to be complete courtesy of a tell-tale scratch of the ear using her back legs.
Owner Larry Keenan from Douglas was the first to find Indya after her traumatic accident, with the family’s beloved pet clearly in pain, wailing and unable to stand.
He rushed her to her local vet Arg Beiyn in Onchan who cared for her overnight before referring her to Kentdale, which meant a flight to Liverpool and a drive to Cumbria for Laurence and his pet.
Once here at Kentdale, a CT scan allowed a diagnosis of significant pelvic fractures to be made. In addition, sciatic nerve damage was apparent. Indya was immediately rushed to surgery.
It was a challenging 4.5-hour operation, with intricate work needed to repair the fractures Indya had suffered.
However, surgery was a success and post-operative radiographs confirmed good placement of the implants, including screws, pins and wires, to hold Indya’s pelvis together.
Grateful owner Larry said: “Kentdale were fantastic with Indya and didn’t give me any false hopes. Nevertheless, I couldn’t have wished for a better outcome and Indya’s road to recovery appears to be complete with a recent scratch of her ear – the first time she’s done it since the operation. I’d also like to say a massive thanks to my granddaughters Scarlett and Thea who have become Indya’s very own personal vets, eagerly helping with her physiotherapy!”
Graham Hayes, a European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery at Kentdale, led Indya’s complex operation.
Toby Gemmill, Managing Director at Kentdale and an RCVS and European Specialist in Diploma in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics), paid tribute to Graham and said Indya’s recovery was a great success story.
He said: “Graham did a fantastic job completing very challenging surgery on Indya and, since the operation, she has amazed us all with her amazing recovery. She spent 10 days at Kentdale receiving specialist care and after just two days was able to start bearing weight on her right back leg. It’s fantastic that her recovery has continued apace.”